Update Your Other Health Insurance Info for TRICARE

on Jan 18, 2023 11:10:AM

he new year is here, so it’s important to take stock of your family’s overall health plan coverage. This is especially true when it comes to other health insurance (OHI). You may have had OHI last year, but now no longer. Or perhaps you’ve recently gained or changed OHI. In any of these cases, make sure your OHI information is current with TRICARE, so your health care claims are processed accurately.
“It’s important to tell your doctor and other health care providers if you have coverage in addition to TRICARE,” said Shane Pham, TRICARE Health Plan policy and programs analyst at the Defense Health Agency. “This will help them send your bills to the correct payer and avoid delays.”
Have OHI? Learn what’s required of you and how your two plans work together. Here are a few Q&As to help.

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